“I’m grateful for so many things but I think the one that sticks out the most is my ability to deal with life on life’s terms clean and sober, the ability to feel my feelings, and that I show up with honesty and integrity in all areas of my life.”
How old were you when you developed a substance use disorder?
What was your primary substance(s)?
How long were you in active addiction for?
8 years
What is your Sobriety date?
Oct 31, 2014
What has recovery given you?
A beautiful life full of peace and freedom from obsession
What are you grateful for now that you are sober?
I’m grateful that I’m not dead or in jail or an institution. That’s where my addiction would have taken me. I’m grateful for so many things but I think the one that sticks out the most is my ability to deal with life on life’s terms clean and sober, the ability to feel my feelings, and that I show up with honesty and integrity in all areas of my life. Last, I’m grateful that I love myself today for my flaws and all.
What advice would you give your younger self?
I would advice myself to learn more about addiction and that resources that are available to get help. Also I would tell myself to give myself the same love I show others. And to take care of myself and my needs first so I can show up as the healthiest version.