“Recovery has blessed me beyond measure. The mess that drinking and using created is now the message that hope and healing are possible and REAL!”
How old were you when you developed a substance use disorder?
What was your primary substance(s)?
Alcohol, although I did drugs regularly
How long were you in active addiction for?
11 years
What is your Sobriety date?
Jul 13, 1995
What has recovery given you?
A life that I am proud of. Recovery has blessed me beyond measure. The mess that drinking and using created is now the message that hope and healing are possible and REAL!
What are you grateful for now that you are sober?
I am grateful that I get to pay forward all that recovery has given me. I have witnessed countless times sober people in recovery getting to use their "superpowers" to show the world that we can and do recover!
What advice would you give your younger self?
To slow down and pay attention to any education on substance use disorders, especially for those of us genetically vulnerable. Also, know that most young people don't use drugs or alcohol and that delaying use is not only the right thing to do but will spare consequences for myself and my friends and family. To help and support changing the social norm from "all kids experiment" to "delaying use" keeps young people safe and allows them to thrive.